Thursday, November 29, 2012

Last Thankful Thursdays

November is almost over, time is flying by! For this last week of Thankful Thursdays, I am especially thankful for:

1. An understanding that God's timing is not our own, and that we can expect all righteous desires to come to us, we just don't always know when. Even though this is sometimes hard for me, the control freak that I am, letting go of my timetable is something that I am working on.

2. Marrying someone who is my opposite in many ways - it is both wonderful to be with someone who balances out your weaknesses and frustrating to be with someone who does things so differently from you, but at the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way.

3. Having teaching opportunities with our children. I love watching them learn something new, and realize that they are smart enough to figure things out on their own. Matt has started doing the "Your Baby Can Read" program again with Miles and he is already picking up on several site words. Claire is now reading our emails, the scriptures, and letters sent home from the teacher. Plus she had her training wheels taken off this week - she isn't riding just yet, but she wants to try even after falling down. And Penelope? Her next adventure is crawling. Guess we better get the house ready for a mobile baby.

1 comment:

Stephanie Carmi said...

you are so wise, my friend.