Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Latest Stats

We just had Penelope's 6+ month check up and Miles' 3 year check up on the same day. luckily Matt and I were both able to go while Claire was in school because it was a bit chaotic. Both kids were pretty good though - and Miles was very happy to not get any shots, just the flu mist which he sniffed up like a champ. Poor Penelope wasn't so lucky. Out of all 3 kids, she reacts the worst to shots - very cranky for a day or two afterwards.
Penelope is 18.1 lbs - dropping to the 50-75th percentile. Still in the 90s for her height though. I wonder if her slower weight gain is because we are still doing just milk or a milk/formula mix - cereal just a few times a week at the most. We can start to give her more food besides cereal now so maybe that will be a bit tastier for her.

At 6 months Claire was 18.2 lbs and also had two teeth. Miles weighed 16 lbs but he was kind of a little guy, still catching up.
Miles is 38.1 lbs - he is in the 90-95th percentiles for height and weight. He has grown so much in the past year - I feel like I have to buy him new clothes every 4-5 months. I think this is a taste of what's to come. He is going to be a tall boy. And a class clown. I love this photo of Miles and Claire - that is a classic Miles face.

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