Monday, April 8, 2013

Art Night

Claire's elementary school held an Art Night fundraiser recently, and the kids and I braved the crowds and bought our tickets (25 cents each), ready for a good time. Claire was very excited to show us around her school, pointing out what the "big kids" get to do, the library, and where her kindergarden class had their art displayed. The school was very festive and colorful - you could tell a lot of work had been put into the night. My favorite part was seeing Claire holding Miles' hand and showing him around the school, telling him about all the things he will get to do in a few years. Her love for school and learning is rubbing off on him, I am happy to see.


Stephanie Carmi said...

What a good big sis.

Ali said...

That looks so fun! I love how special the kids feel to show their siblings around the classroom and all the neat things they get to do.

Becky said...

I love the picture of them holding hands.