Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Penelope @ 11 Months

One month left before the Big 1 Year! Penelope is becoming quite a little copy cat -she can make the sound of a sheep and a dog, and will also copy us when we blow raspberries. She also makes little sing-song noises when I sing to her at bedtime. It's seriously precious.

Let's see - what are her other tricks? She waves goodbye, gives high fives and is a good little cruiser - she pulls up on the couch and walks along the edge and then tries to move on to the next piece of furniture.

She also started climbing the stairs recently - she is funny because she gives herself boundaries in the house and stays within them for a few months. When she first started crawling she wouldn't leave the rug to venture out to the tile. Then she went out onto the tile, but wouldn't try the stairs so we never put the gate up. Then the other day, I found this:

Time for the gate! And time to get ready for that first birthday party! 

1 comment:

Stephanie Carmi said...

oh my goodness is she adorable or what???!!! those teeth kill me.