Saturday, April 6, 2013

Month 3 Results - New Clothes!

Four more weeks of my weight loss plan have gone by already and I am trying to focus on non-food rewards again this month. So far, I have started wearing three "new" pairs of work pants that were waiting for me in my closet - best clothing store ever, because the clothes are free! I can't believe how I was cramming myself into my pants before. I am basically looking better in my current clothes, with a few new pieces to add into the rotation of my work "uniform" of black, grey or brown pants. I have decided my weight loss goal will always be to focus on reaching the next ten pound increment - keeps it realistic but somewhat aggressive at the same time, just my style. :)

In the sugar department, I did have to eat a treat but it was for a good cause - I was the baker for Betty's birthday cupcakes. I was making a new recipe for frosting and I had to taste it to make sure it was good before serving it - it was fresh strawberry cream cheese frosting and it was delicious! But then I quickly got back on the wagon, didn't eat the cupcakes at the party, or the plethora of Easter candy that is still hanging around our house. I don't want to take it away from the kids and Matt if they want to eat some, especially since they all seem to have way more self-control with sweets than I do.

I am going back to Weight Watchers with a friend in a few weeks, and have stopped purchasing the protein shakes, bars and meals that I used when I first started in January. I am still focusing on protein and several small meals a day, but counting the points and adding in more fruit and low-fat dairy. I would love to exercise more, but sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. I guess I could wake up at 5:30 am... I will have to think about that one.

Week 9: -1.6 lbs
Week 10: -2.0 lbs
Week 11: -1.5 lbs
Week 12: -2.0 lbs

4 week weight loss: -7.1 lbs
Total weight loss (12 weeks):  Down 32.7 lbs and reminding myself that slow and steady wins the race!


soggydance said...

Amazing Shill! SO PROUD OF YOU! 32 pounds is fantastic!!

Stephanie Carmi said...

Awesome Oppossum!

Jen H. said...

Keep up the good work. You're looking great.

Kara said...

You are awesome!! I wish I had half of your motivation and discipline!! I'm off the wagon big time! Easter candy is killing me!

I love your Easter post by the way! Claire Bear is the sweetest with her writing and songs. I love it!