Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Sunday

Spoiled rotten and loving every minute of Easter Sunday. And lest we think that Easter is all about the candy and the eggs, I will include the song that Claire wrote about Easter at the end of all of our family photos. It was reminiscent of the tune to "A Child's Prayer" but with her own words. 

You can really see the resemblance between Matt and his brother Nick now that Nick shaved off his long locks for a St. Baldrick's cancer fundraiser.  Miles even went up to Nick a few times thinking he was Matt from the back. 

Going above and beyond on her first Easter Egg Hunt, Penelope had some help from Aunt Leah. 

Claire's Easter Song:
He, He is there, 
He rose from the dead,
When I died my body went in the ground,
My spirit goes in the sky. 


Stephanie Carmi said...

Love it all, especially your completely gorgeous children. And Claire's song... what a doll! You must be so proud!

Beej said...

So sweet.