Monday, April 29, 2013

Grandpa and May Visit Vegas

My dad went on his annual motorcycle ride to Las Vegas and to the Laughlin River Run, and this time we convinced my mom to come along too. Not on the Harley - too hot, too many bugs and too uncomfortable - but she flew down to meet us and stayed a day after he started the two-day drive home.  My dad has gone on this trip almost every year since I have lived in Las Vegas - and this is my 14th year here. Is that right, Dad? It is a very special tradition for me and I am so happy they both came this time.

I think these were the only pictures I got of both my parents with the kids so I have to post all three...

We just did our normal schedule for the most part - walking Claire to school, going out to eat at our favorite lunch spots, meeting Kevin and Cindy (my Dad's sister who lives in Henderson) for dinner, and of course going to Bass Pro Shop.

 This is how Matt spent most of their visit - headed off to class, or studying. Just a few more weeks until the semester is over! Seventeen days, but who's counting?

Miles got one last chance to ride on the motorcycle before my dad headed back home. He said he wants his own someday - hmm.

Who is this blue eyed baby? Her hair is getting lighter and lighter every day! Sometimes it is so weird to me that she is mine since I always expect the dark eyes and hair to be dominant in the gene pool. But I know she's mine because she sure is cute!


Ali said...

Look at that cute girl! How fun to have your Mom and Dad visit. Also, I can't believe you've been in LV for 14 years.

Stephanie Carmi said...

I love how the first shots of them look like they're a happy family of 5! Your parents are forever young, I tell ya. And I think Miles looks a lot like your dad, especially the shots on the bike. And Penelope, oh my goodness sister she just has the perfect little face and curly hair. I love it.