Tuesday, November 12, 2013

18 Months - Penelope Speaks!

We finally get a few words out of this little lady. She is now officially 18 months old and stubborn as the day she was born. I can still remember the labor and delivery nurse guessing that she was a boy because she was so uncooperative and not in any hurry to vacate the premises. And not much has changed. She is cute as can be and definitely her own little person.

She takes her shoes off every. single. time. we get in the car. She wants to connect her car seat strap by herself, and gets so mad if we do it for her. And she wants to ring the doorbell every time we go in and out of the house. She also loves her stuffed animals and wants to hold a few all the time - her crib is full of them. This is a lady who knows what she wants.

Penelope will now say these words with some regularity, though she has said other words before but then stubbornly refuses to say them again:
1. On
2. Up
3. Ball
4. Mom
5. Boo!
6. Hot
7. Cold
8. Whoa
9. Mon (Miles)
10. Dad
11. No!
12. Mine
13. Uh oh!
14. Ow
15. Nana (banana)
16. Bottle

She can also sign:
1. More
2. All done
3. Dog
4. Cat
5. Owl
6. Milk
7. Drink
8. Eat
9. Please
10. Spider
11. Eat

She makes these animal sounds:
1. Moo!
2. Quack!
3. Ruff!
4. Baa!

Happy half birthday Penelope Jane!

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