Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursdays

I love the Fall and the holidays we get to celebrate each month - it's like this huge ramp up to Christmas and then New Years and then... no holidays for me until after the April 15th tax deadline. The joys of working at an accounting firm! Anyway, I wanted to continue my tradition of Thankful Thursdays and take some time each week to just marinate in all I have to be grateful for in my life.

I liked this quote a lot because it made me remember that even though I complain about things I want, or think I need, I have so much to be thankful for. We have been trying to sell our house since Easter, and we have had more buyers in and out of our house than I can count. Plus offers that have fallen through and other difficult situations. I am to the point where I don't even get excited if we get an offer on our house... But at the end of the day, I thank Heavenly Father every single night for my home and that it keeps us safe and warm and that we can afford our mortgage payments. We just need to sit tight and follow our original plan of waiting until Matt graduates and then selling the house. So for now, I don't stress at the first of the month and I don't feel stretched to pay for a new mortgage that we probably can't afford right now. And I know that is a huge blessing.

I am also very grateful that Matt recently was offered a Faculty Assistant position at UNLV in the business school (marketing department). It will help him pay for part of his tuition plus an hourly wage that is definitely more than I thought he would get to help pay for the additional childcare and travel that will inevitably come with this shake-up in our schedule. I knew this change was coming next year, but was wondering how it would work out. Matt needs to do an internship and start adding accounting experience to his resume. I think this job is the perfect transition because he will be on campus and will have time to study, plus stay involved in the business school and be in touch with professors who can later help him with his courses and eventually his job search.

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