Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Miles Quotes

The other day, Miles told me, "Mom, when I go to sleep, I really miss you."

Miles' preschool is discussing nocturnal animals this week as one of their themes, so I was asking him which animals are nocturnal. He said, "Raccoons, bats, owls ... Batman? Yeah Batman. He is out at night because that's when the bad guys come to steal money."

We went to meet a few families at the church for a dodge ball activity recently and I told Miles to go get his shoes and socks on. We were running late so I didn't really check on him again. In the car, he said, "Mom do you know why I wore my red church socks (which were never designated as church socks, by the way) to play dodge ball? Cause we are going to the church!" I try not to cringe at his fashion choices lately.

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