Thursday, September 19, 2013

Penelope - 16 Months

We were a bit late to Penelope's 15 month well-check, which honestly I kind of forgot about scheduling. I just thought we had 18 months and then a year. You would think I'd remember all this since Miles is only 4...

Penelope was a trooper - she shared her doll and blanket with another little girl, walked around smiling and waving at everyone (still not much talking going on) and was pretty content hanging out in the exam room. She used to waiting for her siblings already... the lot of a third child. She cried for maybe 1 minute after her 3 shots - the lollipop helped too. :)

Here are her stats:

Height: 31.75 inches (75th percentile)

Weight: 28.75 lbs (50th percentile)

Head: 47 cm (75th percentile)

Hair: super soft and curly and adorable

Likes: animals but especially dogs, strawberries and other fruit, playing with dolls, stuffed animals, playing house/kitchen with Claire and Miles. She is great at pretending - it's so cute! Her language is still slow to develop but the doctor said she has two other spokespeople - Claire and Miles. But sometimes that excuse gets old - I'm ready for her to start talking! She says words here and there but then never says them again. Her pointing and grunting is getting the job done for now.

1 comment:

Stephanie Carmi said...

oh my, what a sweet, sweet face! I can't wait to see her this weekend!!!