Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The New AT&T

Keeping in touch with friends... priceless

Talking anytime you want to... priceless

Making calls on your drive to and from work... priceless

Cell phone bill this month... $1,105.00

No joke.


Jacqui said...

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What happened? Texting gone wild? That's what my little sister did. Twice. $600+ each time. Ouch. Sorry!

Erika said...


Monica said...

I'm hurting for you! Right before we were married we had a bill that was around 600.00. We had to spend half of our wedding money on a cell phone bill. So in a slightly cheaper way I can relate.

Claire is so cute, by the way...

Matt and Shannon said...

Yep - it was really that much. We had a ton of roll over minutes that we had saved for two years, so when we got new phones we decided to add unlimited texting and just have fewer minutes - well we had been using our stash of roll over minutes since May, and finally ran out, so we got this huge bill - we share minutes and I use my phone for work a lot, so it was over by a TON. I hadn't noticed that we were even using the rollover minutes... I need to pay more attention to the bill I Guess.

I had gone over once before when I was single and it was like $300 and I freaked out. Luckily this time they let me upgrade our account, we get literally triple the amount of minutes (2100 a month). We still owe $350. :)

Erick and Megan said...

OH NO! Please tell me it was a mistake. Oh just say your comment :( We did that in college and had to pay $400 when we had no money. Sick to my stomach! Did you know you lose your rollover mins after 12 months?!