Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Dress

Awhile back, I wrote about making Claire a dress but never posted any pics. So, I had Claire wear the dress again on Sunday since she might grow out of it. I need to try to make another outfit soon!


Emily said...

That is a way cute dress and MAN her eyelashes are awesome!

Stephanie Carmi said...

darling Shan!

Kasey said...

I saw your comment on Belinda Beck's blog (she's my sister) and looked yours up and thought, "Hey she was in the singles ward with me." I married Dave Eyre and I was friends with Erika Snyder. Your daughter is so beautiful and it was fun to see your pictures!

Tara said...

Hey Hillers...This is Cam and Tara Steele. Long time...check out our blog at

Carolyn said...

I love that you made that dress. I still don't know how to sew, but I got a sewing machine for christmas, so I am trying to learn! Great job on Clare's cute dress.

kh said...

Um, how do you find time to work, do normal life-family-house stuff, young womens AND make a dress for your daughter? I'm seriously impressed.

Ali said...

Very nice Shannon! How do you find the time, seriously???? Claire is getting cuter by the second!!!

Jacqui said...

Darling dress. Good job!