Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Eureka! Its Erica!

I wanted to shout out to my good friend Erica Wyatt who found Shan and me and bravely posted a comment to keep in touch. I must say I am a closet blogger, always peeking and never posting. I promise to post regularly and to not be as shy. All of the delicious blogs have inspired me to out myself. I would like to shamelessly plug to the private bloggers to open an alternave one to noseys like me who want to catch up with you, I'm curious to know.
In the future I'll write a list of safe things Shan and I do to keep our privacy and share our lives at the same time. All of you who find us through Erica, welcome and please post stuff. It makes us feel popular...
P.S. All are welcome to put us on your lists of blog buddies. Being a part of your list makes us feel special too.


Lemon Family said...

Hi! It's Marnee and your family is beautiful. Yeah for Erica for finding people's blogs and telling everyone else. Ours is private but I'd love to send you an invite if I can get your email. It's fun to catch up on old friends lives!

Michelle said...

Hi Matt,
I found your blog through Erika's blog too. You have such a cute family! It's good to see you're doing well.
I'm writing this and thinking Matt might not even remember who I am! Our family has a blog but it's private. My email is If you email me I can add you. Marnee you should add me to your list too.
Michelle (Sallander) Dunsmoor