Friday, June 20, 2008

Ode to Basketball

Even though I am currently playing on our ward's volleyball team (go Pinnacle Ward #2!!), my heart definitely belongs to basketball. I was driving home from playing basketball last night, thinking that nothing else would keep me up until past 11 pm on a work night. After 9 months with a new baby, during which Matt taught early morning seminary and was up at 4:45 am every day, we get to bed early when we can.

Anyway, I digress. I have played basketball since I was in the 5th grade - I love to play, don't like to sit on the sidelines. I always played with the boys and didn't care that that wasn't very "girly." I played for as long as I could when I was prego, then came back a few months after Claire was born. The sad part is, I'm still out of shape and the sport kicks my butt every time. But that's kind of why I love it - it requires physical and mental skill and stamina. Plus, it's fast paced and never boring. Baseball - boring. Golf - boring. WWF Wrestling - boring (that one was for Matt).

So, my goal is to get in shape and run so I can become yet again worthy of my favorite sport. The NBA finals were such a let down - I don't even like the NBA that much anyway - so now my own girls night on Thursdays will be all the basketball I need. If you live in Vegas, let me know if you want to play. Thursdays at 8:45 pm.


Kara said...

Ok, hearing you talk about basketball makes me want to come play again. I just dread how horrible I feel cause I'm so out of shape. Basketball is my favorite to play too, but it definately takes a lot more physical strength and endurance. I'm out of town for the next two weeks, but I'll be back in July!

Emily said...

Yay for basketball! You are my hero...staying up late to play after having a baby is total dedication. It's such good exercise to play with you guys, it totally kicks my butt. But it feels so good afterwards!

Steve might argue with you about the NBA finals...he's a Celtics fan through and through. We were pretty happy at our house.

Oh, and I love that Claire crawls now. Like you said, it's nice that she's not too fast yet, but she can still get whatever she wants. I think it's time for me to babyproof again too!